Demystifying Death Six Week Course Begins March 13th!
4:30pm-6:30pm EST, Thursdays

Please email Michelle Goble with any questions, which are very much welcomed.

Course Syllabus
The items that are provided will be mailed to you or you may pick them up before the course begins.
We will provide “Gone From My Sight” and “The Eleventh Hour” by Barbara Karnes, M.D. as well as the Five Wishes document.
Dying Person’s Bill of Rights by David Kessler, Tennessee Advance Directives (or forms specific to the state where you reside) and organ donation information can easily be found online.
Recommended reading: “Final Gifts, Understanding the Special Awareness, Needs and Communications of the Dying” by Maggie Callanan and Patricia Kelley

Attendance at all eight sessions is required for certification. We also ask for active participation for this to be a meaningful course, we are all in this together, right?

Completion of a death packet by each student that includes:  the Five Wishes (or your state advanced care directives); organ donation form; create your epitaph; identifying your personal funeral arrangements; your death mind-map; and creating a “personal death ritual.”  Student experiences with completing the packets will be presented at the last class
Journal for reflection and questions for class discussions


March 13 Session 1:  Introduction to the Program (Welcome Home & Our Philosophy)
Hospice, Palliative Care and Death Doulas
Sherry Campbell, LMSW, Terry Melvin, M.D.
This session will include introductions of participants and what to expect from the course.
We will discuss the big taboo- why we don’t talk about death in our society and the “Dying Person’s Bill of Rights”.
End of life care packets will be discussed, including the Five Wishes, organ donation, creating your epitaph and your funeral arrangements and other items to be shared during the last session if you wish. We will explore the differences and myths surrounding hospice and palliative care as well as ways to begin these difficult conversations and providing advocacy and education. A Death Doula will share about this very important role.

March 20 Session 2:  Planning for End of Life and Ethical Considerations
Bob Zylstra, LCSW, Ed.D
To include legal and ethical Issues, healthcare wishes, after death care and final arrangements. Watch Extremis and discussion.

March 27 Session 3: Why It is Important to Plan
Amy Boulware, LAP, MSW
Crazy things can happen when you don’t have your affairs in order. Amy will share about legal and financial issues and concerns related to death and why it is important to prepare so you don’t leave your family in a bind! We will also share about “solo agers” and self care.

April 3 Session 4:  Being Present
Rose Gordon, Spiritual Care and Bereavement Provider, Taos, New Mexico
It is important to keep a mind’s eye to a cultural perspective, that we all may have the same needs at the end of life- death, dying and grief look different through all cultures. In this session, Rose helps us explore culture and diversity.

April 10 Session 5:   New Rules for End of Life Care by Barbara Karnes, RN, EOL Educator
Mind Mapping your Death
Discussion guided by Sherry Campbell, LMSW and Judith Pedersen-Benn
This week we will watch the highly informative video “New Rules for End of Life Care”. We will discuss ways to support those with a life threatening illness and their caregivers. We will conclude with a discussion, question and answer session among our group.

April 17 Session 6: Grief, After Death Care & Final Arrangements
Kim Adams,
NEDA Board, NHFA Board, Omega Home Network
In this very interesting session, Kim will share about home funerals and alternatives to traditional funeral arrangements. We will learn aspects of grief and how to support those who are grieving and caring for ourselves. For this final session, attendees will present their “end of life packets” and a post-test will be distributed for completion.

Our Wonderful Sponsors